Fiber Optic Network Solutions From Gigalight

Gigalight provides Optical Transceivers, Passive Optical Components, Active Optical Cables, MTP/MPO Data Center Cabling Products and other fiber optic network accessories.

Entries from 2014-10-01 to 1 month

The Need for a Comprehensive Standard Twisted-pair structured cabling

Twisted-pair cabling in the late 1980s and early 1990s was often installed to support digital or analog telephone systems. Early twisted-pair cabling (Level 1 or Level 2) often proved marginal or insufficient for supporting the higher freq…

The Legacy of Proprietary Cabling Systems

Early cabling systems were unstructured, proprietary, and often worked only with a specific vendor's equipment. They were designed and installed for mainframes and were a combination of thicknet cable, twinax cable, and terminal cable (RS-…

The Cost of Poor Cabling and Whether it is to Blame

The costs that result from poorly planned and poorly implemented cabling systems can be staggering. One company that moved into a new datacenter space used the existing cabling, which was supposed to be Category 5e cable. Almost immediatel…

The Importance of Reliable Cabling

We cannot stress enough the importance of reliable cabling. Two recent studies vindicated our evangelical approach to data cabling. The studies showed: Data cabling typically accounts for less than 10 percent of the total cost of the netwo…

The Golden Rules of Data Cabling

In the last article, I have introduced the data cabling. Now I will list our own golden rules of data cabling to start the following content. If your cabling is not designed and installed properly, you will have problems that you can't eve…

Introduction to Data Cabling

"Data cabling! It's just wire. What is there to plan?" the newly promoted promoted programmer-turned-MIS-director commented to Jim. The MIS director had been contracted to help the company move its 750-node network to a new location. Durin…